A General Motors (GM) decidiu encerrar seus esforços para desenvolver uma frota de táxis autônomos, redirecionando sua estratégia para recursos de assistência ao motorista que exigem que o condutor esteja preparado para assumir o controle do veículo.
Read Morecruise
The video shows the Russian Kh-101 cruise missile directly hitting the Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia hydroelectric power plant.
A Kh-101 cruise missile, originating from Russia, impacted directly on the Zaporizhzhia hydroelectric power plant in Ukraine. The attack on critical infrastructure raises tensions in the region.
Read MoreVideo: Turkey Conducts Successful Test of Cruise Missile Launched by Drone
Turkey has successfully announced the test of its advanced cruise missile Çakır, launched from the Bayraktar Akıncı drone.
Read MoreRussia May Have Used Its Su-57 Fighters in Combat Operations in Eastern Ukraine
On February 18, escorted by two Su-35 fighters, the fifth-generation fighter Su-57 reportedly carried out a missile attack towards targets in Ukraine.
Read MoreKryssermissilet Neptune har falt i hendene på de russiske militære
I et nylig utvikling i Rostov-regionen, nær Taganrog, i Russland, ble restene av et ukrainsk Neptune kryssermissil oppdaget i en delvis intakt tilstand, på kysten av Azovhavet.
Read MoreNeptune cruise missile falls into russian military hHands
In a recent development in the Rostov region, near Taganrog, in Russia, remnants of a Ukrainian Neptune cruise missile were discovered in a partially intact state on the shores of the Sea of Azov.
Read MoreNord-Korea publiserer bilder av lanseringen av strategiske Pulhwasal-3-31 cruise-missiler
Ifølge statlige KCNA har Nord-Korea vellykket testet Pulhwasal-3-31 cruise-missiler på søndag (28), og lanserte dem fra en ubåt.
Read MoreNoord-Korea publiceert beelden van de lancering van strategische kruisraketten Pulhwasal-3-31
Volgens het staatspersbureau KCNA heeft Noord-Korea met succes de Pulhwasal-3-31 kruisraketten getest op zondag (28), gelanceerd vanaf een onderzeeër.
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