Mens konkurrenter som Ford, Toyota og Nissan allerede har mellomstore pickuper, har Ram fortsatt ingen modeller i denne kategorien.
RAM is a premium brand of pickup trucks produced by Stellantis, known for its rugged performance, advanced technology, and luxurious features. Originally part of the Dodge lineup, RAM became a standalone brand in 2010, focusing on creating high-quality trucks that cater to both commercial and personal use.
Ram plant om de markt voor middelgrote pick-ups te betreden om een gat in het portfolio op te vullen
Terwijl concurrenten zoals Ford, Toyota en Nissan al middelgrote pick-ups aanbieden, heeft Ram nog geen model in deze categorie.
Read MoreRam planlægger at træde ind på markedet for mellemstore lastbiler for at udfylde et hul i porteføljen
Mens konkurrenter som Ford, Toyota og Nissan allerede tilbyder mellemstore lastbiler, har Ram stadig ikke en model i denne kategori.
Read MoreRam plans to enter the mid-size truck market to fill a gap in its portfolio
While competitors like Ford, Toyota, and Nissan already offer mid-size trucks, Ram still does not have a model in this category.
Read MoreRam prévoit d’entrer sur le marché des pick-up de taille moyenne pour combler une lacune dans son portefeuille
Tandis que des concurrents comme Ford, Toyota et Nissan proposent déjà des pick-up de taille moyenne, Ram n’a pas encore de modèle dans cette catégorie.
Read MoreRam plánuje vstoupit na trh středně velkých pickupů, aby vyplnila mezeru v portfoliu
Zatímco konkurenti jako Ford, Toyota a Nissan již mají středně velké pickupy, Ram stále nemá model v této kategorii.
Read MoreRam planeja entrar no mercado de picapes médias para preencher lacuna no portfólio
Enquanto concorrentes como Ford, Toyota e Nissan já possuem picapes de tamanho médio, a Ram segue sem um modelo nessa categoria
Read MoreRam HD 2025, 더 강력한 엔진, 새로운 디자인 및 최첨단 기술 탑재
Ram HD 2025 시리즈는 430마력과 1,075 lb-ft의 토크를 제공하는 개선된 Cummins 디젤 엔진, 새로운 8단 TorqueFlite 자동 변속기 및 3.42의 후방 차축 비율 등 중요한 업데이트를 제공합니다.
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