Irans Marine Mottar Nye Krigsskip

Marinen til Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) har nylig mottatt to avanserte krigskatamaraner, navngitt “Shahid Sayyad Shirazi” og “Shahid Hassan Bagheri”. Overleveringen av skipene fant sted under en seremoni med tilstedeværelse av høytstående militære tjenestemenn.

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Iraanse Marine Ontvangt Nieuwe Oorlogsschepen

De Marine van het Islamitische Revolutionaire Gardekorps (IRGC) heeft onlangs twee geavanceerde oorlogscatamarans ontvangen, genaamd “Shahid Sayyad Shirazi” en “Shahid Hassan Bagheri”. De overdracht van de schepen vond plaats tijdens een ceremonie met hooggeplaatste militaire functionarissen.

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Iranian Navy Receives New Warships

The Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) recently received two advanced war catamarans, named “Shahid Sayyad Shirazi” and “Shahid Hassan Bagheri”. The delivery of the ships took place in a ceremony attended by high-ranking military officials.

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