Incredible! Video Reveals Russia’s New Combat Tank in Action

Vídeo mostra tanques russos T-72B3 modernizadosVideo shows modernized Russian T-72B3 tanks. Photo: Telegram @exilenova_plus

Russia has announced a significant update to its modernization package for its main battle tanks, the T-72B3. The improvements were carried out by the military-industrial company “Uralvagonzavod“.

+ Click here to watch the video of the new Russian tank

The Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) reported on the update, releasing recent images showing a batch of T-72B3M tanks with new modifications, provisionally designated as the 2024 model.

The images reveal that a new element has been added: rubber fabric screens designed to protect the rear of the turret and the engine and transmission compartments. Other additional modifications could not be observed in the available video.

“However, this distinctive feature – rubber fabric screens – will make it easy to identify tanks produced from the summer of 2024,” wrote CIT.

Vídeo mostra tanques russos T-72B3 modernizados. Foto: Telegram @exilenova_plus

The tanks delivered in the last public shipment, announced in May 2024, did not have these new elements. Identifying these updates will allow for a more accurate assessment of Russia’s capabilities in modernizing the T-72B3M tanks.

Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Uralvagonzavod has modified the T-72B3 tank multiple times. The first wartime modification, unofficially known as the T-72B3M model 2022, included additional dynamic armor and a remotely controlled thermal sight.

The T-72B3M 2023 model brought significant improvements but still faced challenges with weather sensors. With the introduction of the 2024 model, these issues are expected to be resolved, further strengthening the modernization capabilities of Russian tanks.

+ Click here to watch more videos about the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Vídeo mostra tanques russos T-72B3 modernizados

Sources: ExileNova. Telegram @exilenova_plus, X @CITeam_en, This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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