The Vivel Trike is a three-wheeled electric vehicle that sits between a motorcycle and a car, but it’s not exactly either one.
Designed to be practical and compact, it can be charged from a standard outlet and does not require a helmet, as it is classified in Japan as a “normal vehicle,” allowing it to be driven on public roads with a standard driver’s license.
Its power ranges from 1,500W to 2,000W, making it suitable for urban commutes and private areas, with a range of about 120 km per charge.
Despite its advantages, the Vivel Trike is not ideal for highways or large avenues due to its speed and structural limitations. It is also too large for bike lanes and sidewalks, which places it in a gray area when it comes to public road use.
Its size and features make it more appropriate for controlled environments, such as golf courses, resorts, and private communities, where speeds do not exceed 32 km/h.
Although the Vivel Trike does not replace a car, especially due to its lack of safety, range, and versatility, it offers an interesting alternative for those seeking a compact and practical mobility option. In a future where cities adapt their infrastructure for low-speed vehicles, it could become a more viable option, particularly in restricted and controlled areas.
Source: Ride Apart | Photo: Instagram | This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team