Video: Ukrainian military destroyed a Russian self-propelled howitzer Msta-S in the Donetsk region

Video: Ukrainian military destroyed a Russian self-propelled howitzer Msta-S in the Donetsk region. Photo: Video: Reproduction Telegram

The Ukrainian military destroyed the self-propelled artillery system Msta-S of the Russian occupiers in the Donetsk region. The operation was recorded on video and shared on Telegram by the defenders.

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The attack, carried out by the Muramasa group of the 109th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade, used an FPV drone controlled by an operator. The drone initially hit the weapon but caused no significant damage, leading the Russian crew to abandon the position.

However, during the retreat, the Russian Msta-S was again targeted by the heavy Ukrainian drone, which this time hit the artillery vehicle. The impact caused an instant detonation of the internal ammunition, resulting in a powerful explosion that completely destroyed the weapon and the crew.

“Another fat target was destroyed, all crew members of the 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled guns were sent to hell,” highlighted the Muramasa group.

Observers monitoring the conflict confirmed that the artillery unit was destroyed near the village of Vasylivka in the Donetsk region. It is worth mentioning that between May and April, the Russian occupation forces lost a significant number of 152 mm Msta-S self-propelled units.

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During this period, the Ukrainian military released videos and photos of at least nine destroyed self-propelled guns. The main tool of destruction was the FPV attack drone, equipped with a powerful warhead, whose impact frequently resulted in the detonation of the ammunition and the complete destruction of the artillery installation and its crew.

Video and photos: Reproduction Telegram Source: This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.