Video: Ukrainian Artillerymen Practice with Skynex Air Defense System

Skynex Air Defense. Photo and video Telegram @kpszsu

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have released a video showcasing the German-made Skynex air defense system in action, as part of the military aid provided by Germany to the country.

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The video was shared by the press office of the Ukrainian Air Force’s Western Command and shows Ukrainian soldiers conducting shooting exercises with the Skynex anti-aircraft artillery system.

In the video, the process of preparing the Skynex system for firing is shown, including Ukrainian Air Force personnel loading ammunition into a 35 mm cannon, operating the control panel, and using the optical system to detect and engage aerial targets.

The primary function of the Skynex is to provide air defense for critical structures, such as fixed military installations and key infrastructure.

Equipped with its own radar combined with optical sensors, the system offers high precision in attacking small aerial targets.

The use of this system is part of Ukraine’s efforts to strengthen its defense capabilities amid the ongoing conflict, highlighting the importance of international partnerships in providing advanced technology to protect the country’s airspace.

Sources:, Telegram @kpszsu. Photo and video Telegram @kpszsu. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

Iris V Boas: A journalist full of enthusiasm and passion for journalism. A native of São Paulo, she has always been fascinated by the power of words and the ability of news to shape opinions and influence society.