Video: South Korea unveils the K239 Chunmoo rocket system for the first time

K239 Chunmoo rocket system. Photo and video: Twitter @OsintExperts

As tensions rise on the Korean Peninsula, both Koreas are eager to demonstrate their power and showcase their modern weapons. The South Korean armed forces have revealed the K239 Chunmoo multiple rocket launch system for the first time, firing a total of 50 salvos.

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The presentation of the K239 Chunmoo marks the public debut of the combat firing capability of this long-range rocket artillery complex. During the demonstration, more than 50 rockets were launched, precisely hitting a selected island as the target.

The K239 Chunmoo system is a modern and versatile rocket artillery platform, standing out as the second largest in terms of production volume, only behind the US rocket artillery systems.

Historically, South Korea has followed a policy of refusing to supply weapons to countries in a state of conflict. However, this policy is being reviewed after Vladimir Putin signed a strategic partnership document with Kim Jong-un.

Effective propaganda for this technology would be to show videos of how it can destroy Russian targets. If South Korea decides to supply this weapon to Ukraine, it could be beneficial for both countries, strengthening alliances and demonstrating the power of their military technology.

Photo and video: Twitter @OsintExperts. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.