Video Shows the Supposed Destruction of the Russian Patrol Ship Sergei Kotov

Russian patrol ship Sergei Kotov. Photo: Twitter Reproduction

According to a video published on social media, the Russian patrol ship Sergei Kotov of the Black Sea Fleet was destroyed on Monday night by the Special Defense Intelligence Unit of Group 13.

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As a result of the attack by Magura V5 naval drones, the Russian ship of project 22160 Sergei Kotov suffered damage to the stern, right, and left sides.

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MAGURA V5 (“SpecTechnoExport”)

The ship was damaged in the territorial waters of Ukraine, near the Kerch Strait.

The ship was valued at about US$ 65 million. : Russian correspondents published the moment when the ship was supposedly hit.

What is Known About the Ship Sergey Kotov

The ship was launched at the “Zaliv” shipyard in January 2021. Its sea trials began at the end of October 2021, and only on July 30, 2022, did the ship join the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.
The ship is armed with a 76 mm AK-176MA artillery installation, a multi-channel Shtil-1 anti-aircraft missile system, a short-range air defense system 3M-47 “Gibka”, and two small anti-aircraft DP-65. The ship can also carry a Ka-27PS helicopter.

Source, photo, and video: Twitter Reproduction @Gerashchenko_en