Video Shows the Alleged Destruction of Another Large Russian Ship by Ukraine

Video shows the destruction of another large Russian ship by Ukraine. Photo: Wikimedia

The Ukraine claims to have sunk another Russian ship today with naval drones.

Today’s target was the 112-meter amphibious landing ship Caesar Kunikov.

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The attack was similar to the previous one, with the Ukrainians attacking the ship with a swarm of drones.

According to the Telegram of the Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense:

“On February 14, 2024, the Main Directorate of Intelligence in cooperation with all components of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine destroyed the large amphibious ship Caesar Kunikov of the Black Sea Fleet of the aggressor state of Russia.”
The special forces of the “Group 13” of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine successfully carried out a mission.”

The amphibious ship “Caesar Kunikov” of project 775 is one of the newest Russian ships. It could accommodate 87 crew members on board.

Source: Telegram of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine