Video: Russian Anti-Submarine Aircraft Lay Minefields Along Kamchatka’s Coast

Video: Russian Anti-Submarine Aircraft Lay Minefields Along Kamchatka's CoastPhoto and video: Telegram @mod_russia

The Russian Ministry of Defense has released a video showing anti-submarine aircraft laying minefields along the coast of Kamchatka as part of the military exercises Ocean-2024.

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The operation involved four Il-38 and Il-38N aircraft from the mixed aviation regiment of the forces in northeastern Russia. The mission began after reconnaissance assets detected a group of simulated enemy landing ships approaching the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Video: Russian Anti-Submarine Aircraft Lay Minefields Along Kamchatka's Coast

The aircraft took off from Yelizovo airfield and flew over Avacha Bay, where they laid mines along likely approach routes for enemy vessels. In total, four lines of mines were installed at different distances from the coast, strategically positioned at possible amphibious landing sites. More than 50 training mines were parachuted in, blocking a coastal area of approximately 10 kilometers in length.

Video: Russian Anti-Submarine Aircraft Lay Minefields Along Kamchatka's Coast

The aircraft remained in operation for over three hours, patrolling the maritime and coastal areas of Kamchatka. The exercise is part of a series of large-scale military drills aimed at strengthening the region’s defense.

Video: Russian Anti-Submarine Aircraft Lay Minefields Along Kamchatka's Coast

Source: Russian Ministry of Defense. Photo and video: Telegram @mod_russia

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