Video: Russia Redirects T-90S Tanks Intended for Export for Use on the Ukrainian Front

The Russian Ministry of Defence recently released images showing the modernized T-90S tank, which was originally intended for export, but is now being redirected for domestic use.

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This drastic shift is a direct response to the critical shortage of combat vehicles in Russia’s front-line units, particularly evident after two years of intense conflict and significant losses in Ukraine.

Faced with the depletion of its armored vehicles, Russia made the strategic decision to repurpose the T-90S tanks, which were initially scheduled to be sold to countries such as India, Algeria, Turkmenistan, and Vietnam. This move underlines the challenges faced by the Russian army in keeping its armed forces equipped and combat-ready.

A video released reveals a notable feature of the T-90S: all inscriptions on the tank’s control panel are in English, confirming its original intention for export. The T-90S is an enhanced version of the Russian T-90 series tanks and is designed to offer increased firepower, mobility, and protection, specifically adapted for the export market, as stated by the Russian state arms export agency, Rosoboronexport.

The tank has undergone modifications based on lessons learned from the previous years of war in Ukraine. The T-90S is equipped with additional cage-like armor for protection against drones and includes additional blocks of explosive reactive armor Kontakt-1 (ERA), significantly enhancing its defense.

This strategic decision to redirect the export-focused T-90S tanks reflects Russia’s urgent need to bolster its armored capabilities amid ongoing conflict. With resources depleted due to prolonged engagements, Russian military forces are turning to combat vehicles previously intended for export to maintain their presence in Ukraine.

With information from defence-blog – Photos and video. Telegram / mod_russia

Iris V Boas: A journalist full of enthusiasm and passion for journalism. A native of São Paulo, she has always been fascinated by the power of words and the ability of news to shape opinions and influence society.