Video: Rostec Reveals Testing of the Impulse-M Combat Robot

Impulse-M. Photos and video: Reproduction Telegram Photos and video: Reproduction Telegram

Rostec has presented for the first time the testing of the Impulse-M combat robot, developed in partnership with the company Gumich. This robot is a universal tracked robotic platform, capable of being equipped with various combat modules, including an anti-tank missile system.

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Specific tests with anti-tank systems are scheduled for the near future.
“The Impulse-M complex implements various types of communication between the operator and the robot, ensuring high resistance to interference under enemy electronic warfare conditions. Elements of artificial intelligence and a technical vision system allow the robot to independently return to base if the connection with the operator is lost,” reported Rostec.

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In addition to its attack configuration with combat modules, the Impulse-M can be used to deploy anti-tank mines and also has civilian applications in various sectors of the economy.

The Impulse-M is just over two meters long and can carry loads of up to one ton on horizontal surfaces. On 30-degree inclines, it can lift up to 500 kg, and on a trailer, it can pull up to one and a half tons. The robot’s tracked chassis is notable for its high reliability and ease of maintenance in the field, allowing the robot to continue moving even without several rollers.

In the tests, the Impulse-M underwent various performance evaluations, including moving over rough terrain, crossing fords, and trenches. The robot also demonstrated its ability to transport loads uphill for tens of meters and cross fords, simulating access to flat banks, highlighted the State Corporation.

Impulse-M. Photos and video: Reproduction Telegram

These initial tests are just the beginning, with further evaluations planned to explore the full potential of the Impulse-M in combat operations and civilian applications.

Source and images: This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team

Photos and video: Reproduction Telegram

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