Video: Plane with Illicit Cargo from Paraguay Intercepted by Two A-29 Super Tucano Aircraft in Brazil

Vídeo: Avião com carga Ilícita vindo do Paraguai é interceptado por duas aeronaves A-29 Super Tucano no Brasil. Fonte, vídeo e fotos: @fab_oficial

Video: Plane with Illicit Cargo from Paraguay Intercepted by Two A-29 Super Tucano Aircraft in Brazil. Source, video and photos: @fab_oficial

On Tuesday (04/09), the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) intercepted a CESNA-182 aircraft, registered PT-CPR, that illegally entered Brazilian airspace from Paraguay, near Londrina, Paraná.

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The operation involved two A-29 Super Tucano aircraft and one E-99 radar plane, in a mission coordinated with the Federal Police (PF), as part of Operation Ostium linked to the Integrated Border Protection Program (PPIF).

The main goal of the operation is to combat illicit cross-border activities. The suspect aircraft, initially identified at the border between Paraguay and Mato Grosso do Sul, was monitored as it entered national airspace without filing a flight plan, leading to its interception following the Airspace Policing Measures (MPEA) protocols.

After being classified as suspect and found to carry a cloned registration, the A-29 pilot ordered a mandatory landing in Londrina. However, the aircraft disobeyed the order and made a forced landing on a dirt runway near Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo (SP), at 11:10 AM. Subsequently, the PF took control of the situation on the ground, detaining the crew member on board and seizing the suspected cargo, identified as base cocaine paste.

The action reinforces the commitment of the FAB and Public Security Organs to the safety of the national airspace and the fight against drug trafficking and other cross-border illicit activities.

Source, video, and photos: @fab_oficial – This content was created with the help of AI