Video: New Su-30SM2 Fighters Depart from Irkutsk Straight to the Battlefield

Su-30SM2. Images: Telegram @uac_ru

The Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAZ) has completed production and delivered the latest multifunctional fighters Su-30SM2 to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

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The new aircraft have successfully passed rigorous ground and flight tests and are now being dispatched to their respective service units.

Adhering to the schedule established under the state defense order, IAZ demonstrates its efficiency in producing next-generation aircraft for the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The Su-30SM2, an evolution of the models already in service, has been equipped with an enhanced set of onboard radio-electronic systems.

The modernization, carried out according to the technical requirements of the Ministry of Defense, has significantly improved the aircraft’s combat capabilities. Among the improvements are an increased range for detecting and identifying aerial targets, as well as the integration of new high-precision weapons.

These upgrades allow the Su-30SM2 fighters to destroy air, ground, and maritime targets at distances of several hundred kilometers. The fighters are expected to be deployed to the battlefield as quickly as possible after Russia was caught off guard by the invasion of Kursk.

Source and images: Telegram @uac_ru. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

Iris V Boas: A journalist full of enthusiasm and passion for journalism. A native of São Paulo, she has always been fascinated by the power of words and the ability of news to shape opinions and influence society.