Video: M2 Bradley of the 47th Brigade withstands attack from a Russian FPV drone

M2 Bradley ODS SA. Photo and video: Telegram /brygada47

The 47th Mechanized Brigade of Ukraine recently released a video showcasing the resilience of their infantry fighting vehicle M2 Bradley ODS SA against an enemy FPV drone attack.

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The information was published by the brigade’s press office, highlighting the durability and effectiveness of Ukrainian armored vehicles amid the war with Russia.
The video shows the M2 Bradley operating against enemy infantry. During the mission, an FPV drone hits the front projection of the vehicle, but surprisingly, the impact does not stop its movement. “As you might have understood, the crew didn’t even feel it and continued moving,” the brigade stated.

The M2 Bradley in question is equipped with a BRAT (Bradley Reactive Armor Tiles) reactive armor kit, which significantly contributes to its resistance to direct attacks. Additionally, the published images show the vehicle using the M242 Bushmaster 25 mm automatic gun against enemy forces.

The brigade also highlighted that the U.S. Army no longer uses this Bradley model, with thousands of these vehicles currently stored in warehouses.

This is not the first report of the M2 Bradley’s resilience against enemy attacks. In March, the website Militarnyi reported that the dynamic protection of the M2A2 Bradley ODS SA withstood a direct hit from a Russian anti-tank missile. On that occasion, two missiles were fired at the vehicle; one hit the turret’s dynamic protection, while the other struck the vehicle’s side.

The release of this information underscores the importance of modern and well-equipped armored vehicles on the battlefield, demonstrating Ukraine’s ability to maintain the resilience and effectiveness of its armed forces in the face of the challenges posed by the conflict with Russia.

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Photo and video: Telegram /brygada47. Source: This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.