Video: Are Russians Fighting Against the Russian Army INSIDE Russia?

Video: Russians fighting against Russians in Belgorod? Photos and video: Twitter @visegrad24 Video: Russians fighting against Russians in Belgorod? Photos and video: Twitter @visegrad24

According to the @visegrad24 profile, Russian volunteer soldiers allied with Ukraine have crossed the border and are now fighting against the Russian Army INSIDE Russia

They are reportedly supported by a large wave of Ukrainian drone attacks against Russia.

In a short video posted on social media, a tank that is not Russian is allegedly seen moving in the Russian city of Belgorod.

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Units of Russian volunteer soldiers fighting alongside the Ukrainian Army are said to be crossing the Russian border at three locations and engaging in heavy combat with the Russian Army.
Source, photos, and video: Twitter @visegrad24

There is currently no official confirmation of the situation.

Source, photos, and video: Twitter @visegrad24

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