Ukrainian Company Inguar Defense Unveils Concept of New Combat Vehicle Inguar-7

Inguar Defense, a Ukrainian defense company, has recently unveiled the concept of its latest infantry fighting vehicle, the Inguar-7.

Although specific details have yet to be released, the company reminded the public that their previous successful projects also started with simple illustrations, like the Inguar-3, which was initially just a rendering. “What about the Inguar-7?” the company emphasized in their post about the concept.

The concept revealed showcases the infantry fighting vehicle equipped with a combat module that includes an automatic cannon, likely 30mm in caliber. To counter heavily armored vehicles, the module is also equipped with a launcher for two guided anti-tank missiles, with the Ukrainian Stugna-P system from the Luch company depicted in the illustration.

Additionally, the vehicle features a multi-channel thermal sight installed on the top of the turret, protected by a specialized structure. At the rear of the turret, a smoke grenade launching system has been installed, which creates aerosol smoke screens for camouflage.

The Inguar-7 is also equipped with a troop compartment and additional hull armor installed on both sides of the vehicle, providing increased protection for the occupants.

Photo: Facebook / Inguar Defense. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

Iris V Boas: A journalist full of enthusiasm and passion for journalism. A native of São Paulo, she has always been fascinated by the power of words and the ability of news to shape opinions and influence society.