
Video: Ukrainian military destroyed a Russian self-propelled howitzer Msta-S in the Donetsk region

The Ukrainian military destroyed the self-propelled artillery system Msta-S of the Russian occupiers in the…

Video: Ukrainian drones shot down two Russian reconnaissance drones

The Ukrainian Defense Forces have intensified their attacks on Russian reconnaissance drones using FPV drones.…

Video: Russian Soldiers Surprised by the Level of Protection of Humvee Armor

In a recent field test, Russian soldiers were surprised by the level of protection offered…

After Downing A-50, Ukrainian Armed Forces Allegedly Down Another Russian Il-22M

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have achieved another significant milestone in their air defense by downing…

Video: Russian forces confirm capture of Avdiivka after Ukrainian troops withdrawal

On this Saturday, February 17th, Russian forces were spotted in front of the railway station…

Video Shows Destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces’ Ammunition Fortress

A video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense shows the alleged destruction of an…

Avdiivka’dan “Etkileyici Görüntüler”: Ukraynalı askerler, Rus istila güçleri ve ağır teçhizatı yok ediyor

Yayınlanan video, Ukrayna ordusu tarafından, Rusların Avdiivka'ya yaklaşma çabalarını gösteriyor

“Slående bilder” från Avdiivka: Ukrainska soldater förstör tung utrustning och Ryska invasionsstyrkor

Videon som publicerats av Ukrainas armé, visar Rysslands försök att närma sig Avdiivka