Ukrainian Armed Forces

Vídeo: sistema de defesa aérea S-400 da Rússia erra o alvo e é destruído por mísseis ATACMS. Fotos: Reprodução Twitter @sentdefender

Video: Russian S-400 Air Defense System Misses Target and Is Destroyed by ATACMS Missiles

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to attack Russian air defenses in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.…


After Downing A-50, Ukrainian Armed Forces Allegedly Down Another Russian Il-22M

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have achieved another significant milestone in their air defense by downing…

Vídeo mostra a destruição de fortaleza de munições das Forças Armadas Ucranianas. Foto: Telegram / mod_russia

Video Shows Destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces’ Ammunition Fortress

A video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense shows the alleged destruction of an…

Vídeos mostram a destruição causada pelos temidos helicópteros Ka-52 e Mi-28 na Ucrânia. Foto: Telegram

Videos show the destruction caused by the feared Ka-52 and Mi-28 helicopters in Ukraine

New videos published by the Russian Ministry of Defence showcase their helicopter attacks, in an…