
Vanexxt revoluciona o mercado com van modular baseada na Volkswagen Caravelle para aventuras e viagens

Vanexxt revolutionizes the market with a modular van based on the Volkswagen Caravelle for adventures and travel

Vanexxt, a German company specializing in campers, launched a new van based on the Volkswagen…

Maior avião do mundo promete revolucionar o turismo com voos de luxo para a Espanha e o Ártico

The World’s Largest Aircraft Promises to Revolutionize Tourism with Luxury Flights to Spain and the Arctic

The world's largest aircraft, known as the "flying bum," now has a scheduled takeoff date,…

Jovem de 20 anos troca a rotina convencional por uma vida nômade em uma van (Instagram @abigailhmartin)

20-year-old trades conventional routine for a nomadic life in a van

Abigail Martin, a 20-year-old photographer and influencer, decided to leave behind a conventional life to…

Planters abre vagas para motoristas do Nutmobile e oferece experiência única de promoção de marca

Unique opportunity: Become a Nutmobile driver and travel across the USA

Planters is recruiting drivers for the Nutmobile, offering three full-time positions with benefits. Candidates must…

Jeff Bezos investe US$ 600 milhões em superiate e barco de apoio com heliponto para viagens exclusivas (Instagram @boatinternational - @jeffbezos)

Jeff Bezos invests $600 million in superyacht and support boat with helipad for exclusive trips

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, known for his extravagant acquisitions, owns a superyacht called…

Tesla perde apenas 1% de carga após 10 dias estacionado no aeroporto

Tesla loses only 1% of charge after 10 days parked at the airport

A Tesla owner decided to test the battery durability of his car by leaving it…

Couple transforms a 12-meter-long school bus into a beautiful home on wheels.

A young couple from Idaho, USA, transformed a school bus into a beautiful mobile home,…

MIGALOO M5. Instagram @migaloosubmarines

Migaloo Offers $2 Billion Luxury Submersible Superyacht

The Austrian company Migaloo is making waves in the luxury market with its exclusive offering:…