Japan is known for its technological innovations and eccentric creations, and one example of this is the “Suitcase Car” from Mazda, developed in the 1990s.
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Video: Tesla Cybertruck Gets Stuck on Snowy Hill and Needs to Be Towed by Ford F-150
The Tesla Cybertruck, widely promoted as “built for any adventure,” faced another embarrassing moment when it got stuck on a slight hill covered with a thin layer of snow and needed to be towed by a Ford F-150.
Read MoreVídeo: Cybertruck da Tesla fica presa em colina com neve e precisa ser rebocada por Ford F-150
A Tesla Cybertruck, amplamente promovida como “feita para qualquer aventura”, enfrentou mais um momento embaraçoso ao ficar presa em uma leve colina coberta por uma fina camada de neve e precisar ser rebocada por uma Ford F-150
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