pickup trucks

NHTSA schlägt neue Sicherheitsstandards vor, um Todesfälle bei Pickup-Trucks und SUVs zu reduzieren

Die National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) schlägt eine neue Regelung vor, um die Sicherheit…

NHTSA foreslår nye sikkerhedsstandarder for at reducere dødsfald i pickup-trucks og SUV’er

Den National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) foreslår en ny regel for at forbedre sikkerheden…

NHTSA Proposes New Safety Standards to Reduce Fatalities in Pickup Trucks and SUVs

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is proposing a new rule to improve pedestrian…

‘CyberTrailer’: Company Launches Luxury Trailer to Accompany Electric Pickup Trucks

Living Vehicle, a company specializing in trailers, has unveiled the CyberTrailer, a trailer designed to…

Toyota kündigt Massenproduktion des elektrischen Hilux für 2025 in Thailand an

Die Toyota hat beschlossen, in den Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge einzusteigen, und die Produktion des Hilux…

Toyota Announces Mass Production of Electric Hilux for 2025 in Thailand

Toyota has decided to enter the electric vehicle market and announced the production of the…