M-346, výsledek 70 let zkušeností společnosti Leonardo v oblasti výcvikových letadel, se stále vyvíjí, aby splnil současné i budoucí operační požadavky.
Read MoreFighter
Video: Leonardo Memperlihatkan Evolusi M-346 dengan Kecerdasan Buatan dan Teknologi Baru
M-346, tonggak 70 tahun pengalaman Leonardo dalam sektor pesawat pelatihan, terus berkembang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasional saat ini dan masa depan.
Read MoreVideo shows first flight of sixth-generation fighter jet in China
China recently revealed the world’s first sixth-generation fighter jet. In videos posted on social media, the jet can be seen, resembling a tail-less stealth spacecraft.
Read MoreVideo: Leonardo toont evolutie van de M-346 met kunstmatige intelligentie en nieuwe technologieën
De M-346, een mijlpaal met 70 jaar ervaring van Leonardo in de sector van trainingsvliegtuigen, blijft zich ontwikkelen om te voldoen aan de huidige en toekomstige operationele eisen.
Read MoreVídeo: Leonardo mostra evolução do M-346 com inteligência artificial e novas tecnologias
O M-346, um marco de 70 anos de experiência da Leonardo no setor de aeronaves de treinamento, continua a evoluir para atender às demandas operacionais atuais e futuras.
Read MoreChina unveils the J-35A: New stealth fighter that promises to strengthen aerial competitiveness with the US
China is set to officially unveil its new stealth fighter, the J-35A, at an airshow in the city of Zhuhai, which will take place from November 12 to 17.
Read MoreVideo: Su-35 Fighter Escorts Su-34 Bomber During Attack on Ukrainian Forces in Kursk
October 27, 2024 — In an official statement, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a video showing an airstrike on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions in the Kursk region.
Read MoreThe Russian Air Force Su-34 bomber crashes in North Ossetia, killing the crew
On the morning of Tuesday, June 11, Russian media reported the crash of a Russian Air Force Su-34 bomber in the mountains of North Ossetia, resulting in the death of the crew.
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