
M-346. Foto:Instagram @leonardo_company

Video: Leonardo představuje evoluci M-346 s umělou inteligencí a novými technologiemi

M-346, výsledek 70 let zkušeností společnosti Leonardo v oblasti výcvikových letadel, se stále vyvíjí, aby…

M-346. Foto:Instagram @leonardo_company

Video: Leonardo Memperlihatkan Evolusi M-346 dengan Kecerdasan Buatan dan Teknologi Baru

M-346, tonggak 70 tahun pengalaman Leonardo dalam sektor pesawat pelatihan, terus berkembang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan…

Vídeo mostra primeiro voo de caça de sexta geração na China

Video shows first flight of sixth-generation fighter jet in China

China recently revealed the world's first sixth-generation fighter jet. In videos posted on social media,…

M-346. Foto:Instagram @leonardo_company

Video: Leonardo toont evolutie van de M-346 met kunstmatige intelligentie en nieuwe technologieën

De M-346, een mijlpaal met 70 jaar ervaring van Leonardo in de sector van trainingsvliegtuigen,…

M-346. Foto:Instagram @leonardo_company

Vídeo: Leonardo mostra evolução do M-346 com inteligência artificial e novas tecnologias

O M-346, um marco de 70 anos de experiência da Leonardo no setor de aeronaves…

China apresenta o J-35A: novo caça stealth promete fortalecer a competitividade aérea com os EUA

China unveils the J-35A: New stealth fighter that promises to strengthen aerial competitiveness with the US

China is set to officially unveil its new stealth fighter, the J-35A, at an airshow…

Caça Su-35 escolta Bombardeiro Su-34 durante ataque as forças ucranianas em Kursk. Foto: Telegram @mod_russia

Video: Su-35 Fighter Escorts Su-34 Bomber During Attack on Ukrainian Forces in Kursk

October 27, 2024 — In an official statement, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a…

Su-34. Foto: Telegram / uac_ru

The Russian Air Force Su-34 bomber crashes in North Ossetia, killing the crew

On the morning of Tuesday, June 11, Russian media reported the crash of a Russian…