The crisis in the South China Sea continues to escalate following new confrontations between the Chinese Coast Guard and Filipino vessels. On Sunday, Chinese Coast Guard ships were again caught colliding with Philippine ships in waters that are part of the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
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Video: Spanningen lopen op in de Zuid-Chinese Zee door botsingen tussen Chinese en Filipijnse schepen
De crisis in de Zuid-Chinese Zee blijft escaleren na nieuwe confrontaties tussen de Chinese kustwacht en Filipijnse schepen. Afgelopen zondag werden Chinese kustwachtschepen opnieuw betrapt op het rammen van Filipijnse schepen in wateren die deel uitmaken van de Exclusieve Economische Zone (EEZ) van de Filipijnen.
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In a move that has sparked global alerts, China conducted another military exercise, this time simulating a landing operation towards Taiwan.
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