The F-117 Nighthawk is one of the most iconic fighters in military aviation, known for its stealth capabilities and participation in major combat missions.
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Ukraine uses modified civilian aircraft for airstrikes against enemy targets
The Ukrainian forces have been using modified civilian aircraft as unmanned bombers in the war against Russia.
Read MoreU.S. Space Force releases rare image of the mysterious X-37B spacecraft in orbit
The United States Space Force has released a rare image of the X-37B spaceplane, a project developed in partnership with Boeing to test reusable space vehicle technologies.
Read MoreTraining Aircraft T-5 Brave Eagle Crashes into the Sea in Taiwan
A military training aircraft, the AIDC T-5 Brave Eagle, crashed into the sea in Taiwan after experiencing engine failure in both engines shortly after takeoff. The incident involved the T-BE-5 aircraft, with tail number 1130 and serial number 13-9032.
Read MoreThe United Kingdom sends a surveillance aircraft to monitor Russian forces in Ukraine
The Royal Air Force has deployed an RC-135W Rivet Joint surveillance aircraft, escorted by two Typhoon fighter jets, to monitor Russian forces in occupied Ukraine.
Read Moreピピストレル、Nuuva V300 貨物ドローンの初飛行に成功
ピピストレル・エアクラフトは、Nuuva V300 の最初のホバリング飛行を成功裏に完了したと発表しました。この革新的な ハイブリッド電動自律貨物ドローン は、長距離物流および特殊防衛作戦向けに設計されています。
Read More피피스트렐, Nuuva V300 화물 드론 첫 비행 성공적으로 완료
피피스트렐 항공은 Nuuva V300의 첫 번째 호버링 비행을 성공적으로 완료했다고 발표했다. 하이브리드-전기 자율 화물 드론인 이 항공기는 장거리 물류 및 특수 방위 작전을 위해 설계되었다.
Read MorePipistrel fullfører vellykket den første flyvningen med Nuuva V300 fraktdrone
Pipistrel Aircraft har annonsert den vellykkede fullføringen av den første sveveflyvningen med Nuuva V300, en innovativ hybrid-elektrisk autonom fraktdrone utviklet for langdistanse logistikk og spesialiserte forsvarsoperasjoner.
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