Prime Minister Reacts After Brazil’s President Compares Israel to Nazis

Israel reacts after Brazil’s President compares Israel to Nazis. Photo: Agência Brasil

The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, responded to the comments of Brazil’s President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; here is the complete statement:

“The words of the President of Brazil are shameful and serious. It is a trivialization of the Holocaust and an attack on the Jewish People and the right of Israel to defend itself.
Comparing (the actions of) Israel to the Nazi Holocaust and Hitler is crossing a red line. Israel fights for its defense and the assurance of its future until complete victory, while at the same time defending international law.

I have decided, together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, to immediately summon the Brazilian ambassador in Israel for a stern talk of rebuke.”

The terrorist group Hamas speaks out and thanks President Lula’s words!

“We from the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) appreciate the statement made by Brazilian President Lula da Silva, describing what our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are subjected to as a Holocaust, and that the actions of the Zionists today in Gaza are the same as what Nazi Hitler did to the Jews during World War II.
This statement comes in the context of accurately describing what our people are subjected to and exposing the enormity of the Zionist crime committed with the open support and endorsement of the American administration led by President Biden.

We demand that the International Court of Justice take into consideration the statement of the Brazilian President about what our Palestinian people are suffering at the hands of the criminal occupying army and its terrorist settlers, violations and atrocities that modern history has never witnessed.”

Iris V Boas: A journalist full of enthusiasm and passion for journalism. A native of São Paulo, she has always been fascinated by the power of words and the ability of news to shape opinions and influence society.