Incredible Footage: Ukrainian Operation Decimates Russian Vehicles in Kinburn

Ukrainian Operation Decimates Russian Vehicles in Kinburn. Telegram @DIUkraine

A video released by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense on Telegram shows the amphibious operation conducted by Ukrainian special forces, resulting in the destruction of six enemy armored vehicles and the elimination of about thirty Russian invaders in the Kinburn region, currently occupied by Russian forces.

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The operation, carried out on August 9, 2024, was led by the units “Khimera,” “Aratta,” “Stugna,” “Paragon,” “Siberian Battalion,” and “Terror,” which are part of the Timur special unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The mission was supported by the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and was conducted in cooperation with other state security and defense forces.

During the mission, Ukrainian special forces attacked Russian fortifications located in strategic positions known as “Kinburn Fortress,” “Marine Station,” and “Suvorov Monument.” Near the latter, Ukrainian soldiers raised the battle flag of Ukrainian Military Intelligence, symbolizing victory over the Russian positions in the area.

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Ukrainian Operation Decimates Russian Vehicles in Kinburn. Telegram @DIUkraine

The strategic importance of Kinburn Spit is due to its proximity to Ochakov in the Mykolaiv Oblast, just 6 km away. Since June 10, 2022, Russian forces have claimed control over this area, using it as a strategic position for potential aggressive operations, including the threat of blocking the Dnieper-Bug estuary, which is crucial for Ukrainian navigation.

Ukrainian Operation Decimates Russian Vehicles in Kinburn. Telegram @DIUkraine

Source and images: Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. Telegram @DIUkraine. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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