Impressive! Russia Releases Video of Baltic Fleet Helicopters in Simulated Attacks during Ocean-2024 Exercises

Impressive! Russia Releases Video of Baltic Fleet Helicopters in Simulated Attacks during Ocean-2024 Exercises. Images: Telegram @mod_russiaImpressive! Russia Releases Video of Baltic Fleet Helicopters in Simulated Attacks during Ocean-2024 Exercises. Images: Telegram @mod_russia

The Russian Ministry of Defense released footage showing Baltic Fleet helicopters in action, striking land and sea targets during the military exercises “Ocean-2024“.

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The operation involved the crews of the Mi-24 attack helicopters, part of the naval aviation mixed helicopter regiment, conducting maneuvers in the Kaliningrad region and over the Baltic Sea.

Impressive! Russia Releases Video of Baltic Fleet Helicopters in Simulated Attacks during Ocean-2024 Exercises. Images: Telegram @mod_russia

The training activities included attacks on vehicle convoys, simulated enemy forces, as well as small, high-speed naval vessels. The crews practiced attack missions against these targets at distances ranging from 500 meters to three kilometers, flying at low and medium altitudes.

Impressive! Russia Releases Video of Baltic Fleet Helicopters in Simulated Attacks during Ocean-2024 Exercises. Images: Telegram @mod_russia

More than 10 crews participated in the operations, using a variety of aerial weaponry, including P-50T practice bombs, unguided missiles, and GSh-23 23mm automatic cannons. The pilots executed the missions both individually and in pairs, conducting coordinated attacks on land and sea.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the exercises enhanced the pilots’ training level, improving their combat skills and the tactics for using naval aviation in real operations.

These military activities are part of a series of strategic exercises aimed at demonstrating military power, in an effort to intimidate NATO and its allies, who continue to support Ukraine in the conflict against the Russian invasion.

This display of force is part of a series of strategic military exercises that aim to intimidate NATO countries and their allies, who support Ukraine in the war against the Russian invasion.

Impressive! Russia Releases Video of Baltic Fleet Helicopters in Simulated Attacks during Ocean-2024 Exercises. Images: Telegram @mod_russia

Source: Russian Ministry of Defense Telegram @mod_russia. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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