Novo MG S5 EV é revelado: SUV elétrico compacto aposta em custo-benefício e autonomia de até 480 km

New MG S5 EV Revealed: Compact Electric SUV Focuses on Cost-Effectiveness and Up to 480 km Range

MG has unveiled the new S5 EV, a compact electric SUV that promises to be…

Reino Unido confirma suporte ao F-35 até 2069 e reafirma compromisso com setor aeroespacial

United Kingdom confirms F-35 support until 2069 and reaffirms commitment to aerospace sector

The UK Ministry of Defence confirmed that it will continue to support the global fleet…

Renault Kwid elétrico é adquirido em leilão com bloco de concreto no lugar da bateria

Renault Kwid Electric Bought at Auction with Concrete Block Instead of Battery

A Brazilian retailer had an unpleasant surprise after purchasing a Renault Kwid E-Tech at an…

BYD ultrapassa Tesla em vendas anuais e consolida liderança nos veículos elétricos

BYD surpasses Tesla in annual electric vehicle sales

The Chinese automaker BYD surpassed Tesla in annual sales, recording a revenue of $107 billion…

Smart #5: novo SUV elétrico chega à Europa com design inovador e tecnologia avançada

Smart #5: new SUV arrives in Europe with innovative design and advanced technology

The Smart #5, the largest model ever produced by the brand, will arrive in Europe…

Youtuber cria caminhão de controle remoto com um motor V-8 funcional

YouTuber Creates Remote-Controlled Truck with a Functional V-8 Engine

YouTuber JohnnyQ90 has developed an impressive remote-controlled monster truck equipped with a functional 44cc V-8…

Toyota WiLL Vi: subcompacto japonês exótico que desafiou as convenções vai a leilão

Toyota WiLL Vi: Exotic Japanese Subcompact That Defied Conventions Goes to Auction

The 2000 Toyota WiLL Vi, a subcompact car designed for the Japanese market, is a…

Coreia do Norte testa novos mísseis anti-aéreos enquanto laços com a Rússia se fortalecem

North Korea tests new anti-aircraft missiles as ties with Russia strengthen

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw the test of a new anti-aircraft missile system,…