
Toyota WiLL Vi: subcompacto japonês exótico que desafiou as convenções vai a leilão

Toyota WiLL Vi: Exotic Japanese Subcompact That Defied Conventions Goes to Auction

The 2000 Toyota WiLL Vi, a subcompact car designed for the Japanese market, is a…

Coreia do Norte testa novos mísseis anti-aéreos enquanto laços com a Rússia se fortalecem

North Korea tests new anti-aircraft missiles as ties with Russia strengthen

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw the test of a new anti-aircraft missile system,…

Ducati lança edição limitada da Panigale V4 Tricolore Italia em homenagem ao sucesso no GP de Mugello

Ducati launches Panigale V4 Tricolore Italia in honor of success at the Mugello GP

Ducati launched the Panigale V4 Tricolore Italia, a limited edition of 163 units to celebrate…

Vídeo mostra avião militar chinês voando em baixa altitude próximo a banhistas. X @WenJian0922

Video shows Chinese military jet flying at low altitude near beachgoers

A video showing a Chinese Shenyang J-16 fighter jet flying at an extremely low altitude…

Jovem cria réplica de Lamborghini de US$ 116 milhões usando apenas papelão e motor de motocicleta

Young Man Builds a $116 Million Lamborghini Replica Using Only Cardboard and a Motorcycle Engine

A young man from Nigeria, Etsenumhe Ahmad, has built a replica of the Lamborghini Egoista,…

Mercedes-Benz inova na produção com robôs humanoides para otimizar eficiência e reduzir erros

Mercedes-Benz innovates production with humanoid robots to optimize efficiency and reduce errors

Mercedes-Benz is taking a major step in automating its production by introducing humanoid robots at…

Seis raros Porsche 911 serão leiloados pela RM Sotheby’s com caminhão de transporte incluso

Six rare Porsche 911s to be auctioned by RM Sotheby’s with transport truck included

Six of the rarest models of the 991 generation of the Porsche 911 will be…

Estados Unidos venderão caças F-47 com capacidades reduzidas para aliados, anuncia Trump

United States to sell F-47 fighter jets with reduced capabilities to allies, announces Trump

The United States announced that the F-47 fighter jets sold to allies will have their…