Algeria tests Chinese VT-4 tank to replace Russian T-90s

Norinco VT-4. Photo: Wikimedia

The VT-4 main battle tank, manufactured by China, has successfully undergone a series of evaluations in Algerian territory.

+ Click here to see the presentation of the VT-4 version made in Pakistan

During the tests, the vehicle executed long-distance firing exercises with a 100% hit rate, in addition to completing 500 kilometers of continuous driving tests and exercises under various conditions. The Algerian army praised the tank’s performance, which could open doors for its adoption in a market currently dominated by Russian tanks.

Although Algeria is one of the largest operators of the **[Russian T-90 tank](**, alongside India and **[Russia](**, the supply of this military equipment from Russia has been interrupted since the start of Russia’s second invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. With Russia unable to meet Algeria’s needs and North Korea under a UN arms embargo, China emerges as the only supplier capable of offering advanced tanks that meet the demands of the Algerian army.

The VT-4, specifically designed for export, is already used by countries such as Thailand, Pakistan, and Nigeria, and now presents itself as a viable option for the modernization of Algeria’s armored forces. The tank is equipped with a 1,300 hp diesel engine, a 125 mm cannon with an automatic reloading system, and composite and explosive reactive armor.

The more advanced version, the VT-4A1, is also being evaluated in Algeria, with special attention to its active defense system similar to Israel’s Trophy.

In recent years, Algeria has strengthened its military cooperation with China, having acquired YJ-12B anti-ship cruise missiles and the CX-1 in recent years. Moreover, the country seeks to deepen its strategic ties with China, as evidenced by its application for dialogue partner status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and its membership in the BRICS New Development Bank.

+ Click here to see more videos about armored vehicles and battle tanks

These initiatives signal a move towards diversifying Algeria’s military capabilities, distancing itself from exclusive reliance on Russian equipment, while consolidating China as one of the country’s main defense suppliers.

Source: chinatimes. Images: X @ForumStrategic. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

Iris V Boas: A journalist full of enthusiasm and passion for journalism. A native of São Paulo, she has always been fascinated by the power of words and the ability of news to shape opinions and influence society.