Video of police officer threatening to run over motorcyclist goes viral and sparks debate online

Video of police officer threatening to run over motorcyclist goes viral and sparks debate online
Video of police officer threatening to run over motorcyclist goes viral and sparks debate online (Reddit / ZestycloseCold9065)

A motorcyclist in California was startled after failing to notice the fast-approaching California Highway Patrol officer with lights and sirens on.

Traveling in the HOV lane of the highway, a lane designated for priority use on the left, the officer approached rapidly and without giving the motorcyclist time to react. Shortly after, the officer began shouting through the megaphone, even threatening the motorcyclist by saying he would run him over if he didn’t get out of the way. Even after the motorcyclist moved, the officer continued to make threats.

The video, shared on Reddit, has sparked many discussions on social media, with some users pointing out that the officer’s behavior was extremely aggressive and inappropriate.

+ Click here to watch the video

Others online condemned the motorcyclist for blocking the lane and ignoring the police siren for so long. “With the sirens on, you should move out of the way. No wonder people think motorcyclists are rude“, said one user.

Source and photos: RideApart / Reproduction Reddit | This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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