Video: Taiwan Unveils New Armored Combat Vehicle

Armored combat vehicle D2. Photos and video: Telegram china3armyArmored combat vehicle D2. Photos and video: Telegram china3army

Taiwan has unveiled for the first time a new armored combat vehicle developed domestically, the prototype D2. This impressive vehicle stands at 3.3 meters tall and is equipped with a 105 mm cannon. With a total combat weight of 30 tons, the D2 accommodates a crew of four and carries 33 rounds of ammunition.

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The ammunition used can penetrate a steel plate 500 mm thick.

Next year, a prototype of the armored combat vehicle D3, which will have a reduced height of 3 meters, is scheduled to be tested. This updated version aims to further enhance the vehicle’s mobility and efficiency in combat.

The vehicle is equipped with the new XTC112 projectile, which is 11% more penetrating than the M426 (DM63) projectile currently in service with the Taiwanese army. This technological advancement represents a significant increase in the combat capability of Taiwan’s forces.

Armored combat vehicle D2. Photos and video: Telegram china3army

Images of the new infantry fighting vehicle have been released, showing the vehicle that will be an important addition to Taiwan’s armed forces. Although produced domestically, the vehicle has not yet received an official name.

This development highlights Taiwan’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its defense and military capabilities with advanced technology.

Photos and video: Telegram china3army. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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